• Csellite

    If you get close to the factory does it start to smell like tea? That would be amazing.

    • spaceghoti

      No, they have the ingredients sealed off from each other really well, otherwise they start tasting like each other. Especially the mint room. Mint will take over everything.

      • Csellite

        That's because mint is awesome! But that's alright. If you've ever been to Hershey Pennsylvania the whole town smells of chocolate. I was kind of hoping a tea factory would do the same.

        • spaceghoti

          I did once as a child, and I know what you mean. But Hershey doesn't have to worry about chocolate absorbing the scent of chocolate to alter the flavor. Celestial Seasoning has a vested interest in making sure its Sleepytime Tea doesn't taste like Lemon Zinger. ;)

          • Csellite

            Well i'm very happy they know what they're doing because there tea is amazing.