• CrookedTale

    They are glass snap cap bottles I found In a small store. They are not old antiques but the were in rough shape. I bought them to go with my (still not completed) steampunk out fit. But I needed to fix the closing mechanism by bending the metal and put in new rubber washers (cut down to size) to make them airtight so they didn't leak rum all over the place when I wear them. I sewed up a jacquard pattern denim sleeve around them that has enough stretch in it to hold the fabric on the bottle but I can take it off when I need to clean them. My larger bottle is wrapped in leather and I always have to take the leather off which is a bit of a pain. Added a small skull and crossbones and a brass hook then tadda! Two usable Rum bottles that I can attach to a Steampunkish belt. I can feel safe and secure knowing that when the large bottle is out of rum my reserves are in place! Let it be known that the Crooked Tale Pirates take their piracy and drinking seriously!

    Full Set of Rum Bottles

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