• AdelleChattre (edited 7 years ago)

    Eight years ago, at this time, Republicans were claiming Barrack was literally the antichrist of Christian prophecy. If those are the kind of flying monkeys you're glad to see going after the new president elect, that's the example you want to set, fine. Cry havoc, then.

    Just don't tell me crazy-talk like that's meant to accomplish anything in terms of this system. Or setting back this Establishment, for whom war with Russia is a minor item on a long to-do list. Here is the intellectual vanguard of the Democratic Party, 2017.

    I registered online as a Democrat so I could vote for Sanders in the primary. My registration was subject to one of the 'irregularities' that seemed to pop up like flowers around the rotting corpse of the Clinton campaign. I had to use a provisional ballot, so the chances my vote was counted were less than three percent, and that was before the 'irregularities' around the general in California, and that only a microcosm of the electoral 'irregularities' across the country.

    We're not dealing with that, though. We've got voters like you tripping out over how dare our soon-to-be president not be adequately thirsty for Russian blood. Because, I guess, that's what Clinton and her Democrats are all about. She was always Diet Goldwater Republican.

    In professional wrestling, the 'put-on,' the sham melodramatic enmity between actor/wrestlers is called 'kayfabe.' You're never supposed to break kayfabe, and let on how fake it all is. In Washington, practically all the partisanship is kayfabe. The Benghazi investigations, the Democratic sit-in on the House floor demanding that guns not be sold to anyone on the No-Fly List, most everything. Not this, though, I don't think.

    This is the Establishment and the War Party reacting to an unexpected loss of control, the same way American people are reacting to this gang of narcissistic unhinged Know Nothing bigots and oligarchs we see taking the levers of power in D.C.

    Don't mistake their reaction for what yours should be. The flying monkeys may seem satisfying now, but that whole trip can turn bad. Real bad.

    • CrookedTale (edited 7 years ago)

      Qoute: "We're not dealing with that, though. We've got voters like you tripping out over how dare our soon-to-be president not be adequately thirsty for Russian blood. Because, I guess, that's what Clinton and her Democrats are all about. She was always Diet Republican."

      Understand that my confidence in a Clinton led war against Russia was and is 100%. She is a war monger and her ties to the middle east were to strong to make her an electable president. But that is who the DNC wanted us to have for the last 6 years, Clinton this, Clinton that, as a democrat that made me sick because she is not a viable presidential candidate and never will be. Now I am not crying for a war on Russia, my war cry is for the downfall of the GOP and DNC and in a way a downfall for everyone in government who has decided that their best interests trump the best policies for Americas people. With Trump and Clinton it was plain to see that neither of them had our best interests in mind. So now I have to pick from two sides "The Trump civil war!" or "The Hillary revolution!" that are still lead by the GOP and the DNC. I rather be the pirate that rallies against those who gain purchase with banks and international companies on the backs of the people. Break the 'kayfabe'! Break the control! Build the people! Build the nation!

      "Damn ye altogether: damn them for a pack of crafty rascals, and you, who serve them, for a parcel of hen-hearted numbskulls. They vilify us, the scoundrels do, when there is only this difference, they rob the poor under the cover of law, forsooth, and we plunder the rich under protection of our own courage; had you not better make one of us, than sneak after the asses of those villains for employment?"

      EDIT: I will add this. I am sick and tired of the way the people are pushed and prodded through the election cycle. My views now are a result of the last election cycle. A cycle of crap upon crap upon crap. They nominees lie, and cheat, and fight all for show and to grab as many people to their side as they can. They look out for number one only. Millions of dollars change hands for special favors after the election is finished. It is sickening and both parties, and the people who vote for them, know this. We know but we still say nothing, I did nothing. I held my tongue as much as I could in hopes that it would soon be over. But it still keeps coming doesn't it? Like a hooker in the Ritz Carlton. We'll maybe its time I did something, maybe it is time I get a bit active in politics. Maybe it is time for a better party.

      • AdelleChattre

        Some kind of a pirate party maybe? Sounds refreshing. I’m in if you’re in.

        • CrookedTale

          I am in buuuuuutttt... I have to look at the party first. I mean really look down deep into it's bowels to see if there is any crap. I can't just jump on-board only to find the same thing as other parties. If they would uphold transparency of government that is what I really want. We don't have that now. We have a news cycle of what ifs and maybes which mirror the promises of what ifs and maybes spewed from the mouths of the elected. Accountant! we are going to need accountants!