• Idontmindturtle

    I guess this is where snapzu stops being a reddit alternative and starts being a change... At least to me. I'm unsure as to how I feel about this so far, but when there is a topic with two legitimate sides and one is shut down due to hate speech... That's the day I move out of this website.

    • GroundhogNight

      I'm not sure how people hating fat people is a legitimate side? It's not like discussing the economic principles of 21st century nations, where the topic is open-ended. People grouping together to make fun of, mock, and discuss their hatred for fat people isn't a side to a discussion. It's vitriol. Maybe you could make an argument for shaming as a motivation technique. I think it would be different if it wasn't fat people hatred rather than them explaining the ailments of being overweight and attempting to motivate people to improve their healthy habits and lose weight. That would, in my mind, be legitimate, because the discussion is, "I want to be overweight" versus "This is why you shouldn't want to be overweight". But "I hate fat people" contributes what? How is it not anything more than a vipers' den?

      • Idontmindturtle

        Because quite often viewpoints can be deliberately misinterpreted to be grouped under hate speech. e.g. If someone says "I am 500 pounds and in peak fitness", I am going to call them out on that in a respectful manner. Some people will deliberately mis-interpret that as "Oh he hates fat people and just can't accept that people are happy with themselves" and call it hate speech, and write it off.

        • GroundhogNight

          The example you gave can happen, absolutely! But there's a huge difference between the example you gave and starting a group whose sole purpose is to mock and ridicule fat people. You want to say, "Hey, being 500 pounds isn't okay, whether or not you're fine with it. It's an unnatural weight...etc. etc." While Fat People Hate had posts with titles like, "Great letter from dissatisfied flyer who had to sit next to a diaobese whale." Or, "My GF found one doing what they do best, taking up space." You pointing out to someone that their idea of "being in shape" is constructive, where the entire purpose of Fat People Hate is to ridicule and destroy. One is legitimately hate speech.

          • Idontmindturtle

            Yep, definitely. I appreciate there is a very big difference between fph and my viewpoint, but I also believe that many people will group my viewpoint with fph, in order to right it off. For the record, I think that someone who is morbidly obese and doesn't preach their lifestyle should be treated just the same as everyone else in society. I don't bring up weight with my overweight friends and I don't bring up weight with my skinny friends.