• ObiWanShinobi

    Freedom to express a distasteful opinion that I may not personally agree with is the entire point of free speech.

    • chloe

      communities like snapzu, unlike our governments, are in no way obligated to uphold free speech.

      • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

        True. I can't in good conscience condone it, but I'm not an admin. Honestly, it's just disappointing, communities of the Internet seem to be running a little short on free speech these days.

        • FurtWigglepants

          That ended when they brigaded a SW post.

          • CrazyDiamond (edited 8 years ago)

            What's SW stand for?

            Oh nvm, suicide watch right? I remember that.

        • Zeis

          May I suggest you create your own community then? I'm not saying you shouldn't be here - it's cool you're here. But if you feel like there's a lack of something and you have the means (in this case, a computer and an internet connection) to change it, why not change it?

          • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

            You are absolutely right. I hate complaining without doing something about it. I am the admin of /t/longform articles, and I intend to operate it on a free speech basis. The only requirement for people posting there is that their content is an article longer than a couple paragraphs, and written well.

            Believe me, as an indie game dev watching all these online game blogs and people complaining about games because they don't meet their personal, subjective criteria, the phrase, "If you don't like it, make something better," is never far from my lips.

        • Rothulfossil

          4chan, aside from posts that are straight-up illegal, is probably the best forum for unfiltered free speech on the internet. It makes me uncomfortable, though, and I don't see that sort of community in Snapzu. There's gotta be somewhere that keeps it classy, you know?

      • hallucigenia

        That's true. A waiter in a restaurant isn't obligated to be nice to me, either. In fact, he could spit in my soup. Perfectly 100% legal to do so. I'm probably not going to go back there if he does, though.

        • cmagnificent (edited 8 years ago)

          Exactly because you have every right to not want to associate with an entity that allows people to spit in your soup. Just like people who want the broadest form of free speech don't have to associate with a website that clearly states racism and hate speech will not be tolerated.

        • l23r

          Please let me know what country you live in where it's legal to spit into someones food, so I can never go there.

    • spoderman

      I think there is a big difference between having an offensive opinion and activly hating and trolling people.

      Those who do not tolerate can not expect to be tolerated. Also, "Freedom of Speech" means you will not be prosecuted for your opinions, not that everbody is obligated to provide you with an audience.

      • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

        "Freedom of Speech" means you will not be prosecuted for your opinions, not that everbody is obligated to provide you with an audience.

        Oh I concur, companies have no obligation to provide free speech the way governments are expected to. I just believe in it as a concept and get disappointed when I don't see it on the many websites I frequent on a platform (the internet) that I consider the ultimate freedom of expression.

        Until fatpeoplehate got banned, they kept their hate in their own subreddit. The content never made it to the front page, and they were free to express their (distasteful) opinions. That, to me was ideal free speech on a website. Then they got banned, and all that shit spilled into /r/all.

        Edit: Furthermore, why haven't other subreddits that "troll" people get banned? /r/cringe and /r/cringepics have some pretty vicious threads about people.

        • spoderman

          I think the problem with FPH was not their hate, but them posting pictures of obese people and then mocking them. This is not a matter of speech, this is a matter of human dignity.

          r/ringepics at least anonymizes the usernames of the users they mock, so they are not exposes to a platoon of bored trolls.