• drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

    If the content posted falls under any of these items, the content will be removed. If a tribe exists ONLY to create and propagate racist, hateful and abusive content it will also be subject to closure. This needs to be a case by case sort of enforcement, it's impossible otherwise to imagine every scenario of abuse.

  • PrismDragon
    @drunkenninja -

    Case by case then? Thank you for stating that. There will be a time in the future where certain topics fall in a gray area.

    • kvn
      @drunkenninja -

      I have a suggestion. I think there should be no censorship on anything, until it hits legal issues. However, any tribe deemed "bad" would not have any posts going onto the frontpage and will be filtered out. The people who participate in the tribe are happy, and the people who browse the frontpage and do not like hatetribes like that don't need to see them.