9 years ago
New, Ultra-Precise Measure Could Help Redefine the Kilogram
A new measurement of Avogadro's number could pave the way for a measure of the kilogram based on fundamental constants of nature.
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And yet, here in the US, we will still use ounces and pounds... sigh.
The US uses metric where it counts, like science and whatnot. It's not something that bothers me when it comes to everyday use.
Not always. The government could do a lot more to encourage the use of metric measurement units, but they don't.
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They've been trying to redefine it for a while.
Here's the article I read a few years ago about it losing mass, these guys want to redefine it as a set number of carbon-12 atoms: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070921110735.htm
Here they want to use Planck's number: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112003322
So we've got three different ideas on how to change the measure, I have a feeling they'll be arguing over it for a lot longer and different groups will adopt one measure or another.