• BlankWindow (edited 8 years ago)

    There are fewer mistakes made by concealed carry users because they wait until their life is in danger. You see these fatalities by the hands of police officers because they usually fire when they think their life may be in danger soon. Most Officers have never been in a possible fatal situation and knowing how someone is going to act in one is absolutely impossible to say. Perhaps Infantry have better chances with so much of their lives dedicated to training, but police officers simply don't have that day in and day out training style. It would also be silly to try and implement one. I know all types of homicide have been on the decline for many years even if our new media outlets and coverage may (want to) make it look otherwise.

    • nachobusiness

      So your saying we can't train cops to deal with potentially deadly situations? So what happens when the act incorrectly in these situations, nothing!?

      • BlankWindow

        I clearly stated, "Most officers have never been in a possible fatal situation and knowing how someone is going to act in one is absolutely impossible to say. Perhaps Infantry have better chances with so much of their lives dedicated to training, but police officers simply don't have the day in and day out training style." I will expound on this idea to hopefully make it a little more clear for you.

        A person who has a specific job to deal with potentially deadly situations spends far more time training for it than an officer would ever have any need for. So much so that the training far exceeds any actual time spent in the field acting on what they practice every single day. An officer is unlikely to see many, if any, of these incidents. Making the need for excessive training a thing of specialized police units. Even someone who does receive considerable amounts of training can completely crack under what is going on. I've watched it happen.

        It is an unfortunate thing to witness someone being gunned down for either the right or wrong reason. I find it hard to believe anyone clicked play on that video not expecting exactly what they got. May I suggest not watching them if it upsets you.

        As for your question? I am not a judge. I am not a jury. If I think you are attempting to take my life, I very well may be your executioner. Anyone would choose a judge and jury over what is perceived as certain death.

        That is a fact of life.