Camx96's feed
9 years agoReview Camx96
Moon: An Excellent Film, Period - The Film Box
Who else has seen Moon? I already consider it a modern sci-fi classic.
9 years agoAchievement Camx96
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Published 2/2 review snaps! Congratulations Camx96 on this achievement!
+1325 XP -
9 years agoReview Camx96
The Hateful Eight by Quentin Tarantino - The Film Box
The Hateful Eight: Horror in the Wild West I will follow Quentin Tarantino’s lead, and like this movie, “The Hateful Eight,” I will allow this review to be indulgently long. And like Tarantino, I will break it into “chapters,” using titled headers. Prelude: It’s dreadful and wonderful “Damn. Tarantino never fails to amaze,” I wrote … Continue reading The Hateful Eight by Quentin Tarantino →
9 years agoDeal Camx96
Christmas Gift Ideas For Movie Lovers - The Film Box
The ultimate guide of Christmas gift ideas for movie lovers.
9 years agoExpression Camx96
How Close Is Daredevil To The MCU? - The Film Box
How Close Is Daredevil To The MCU? Captain America: Civil War is due out in about six months. If you’ve been paying attention to the publicity, you’ve likely noticed that it’s going to feature an even bigger collection of superheroes than we’ve yet seen in the Avengers movies. In addition to pretty much the entire … Continue reading How Close Is Daredevil To The MCU? →
9 years agoLevel Up Camx96
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Camx96 is now level 4 with 6,110 XP.
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9 years agoAnalysis Camx96
Franchises That Will Never Stop Despite Being Terrible - Looper
9 years agoComment Camx96
When I was younger me and my brothers were playing a new game of the very first Final Fantasy. Yup, on the good ol NES. We each picked a character to name and play as, that was multiplayer for us in the 80s, and after entering everybody's name I was last and put in my name, Cam. But before ending accidentally entered an "X" and we didn't know how to backspace. Instead of starting over, I think this was like our third attempt at entering names, I just went with it and it's stuck ever since.
96 is the opposite of 69 of course. And the number I always put on my jersey's when I can.
Posted in: What's the story behind your username?
9 years agoAchievement Camx96
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations Camx96 on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoLevel Up Camx96
Level 3
Camx96 is now level 3 with 3,945 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement Camx96
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations Camx96 on this achievement!
+1310 XP -
9 years ago
Great discipline you have.
9 years agoComment Camx96
Looks cool, but the real deal in the movies down't look as good I think. Seems off to me. Too rubbery, too muscular.
9 years agoImage Camx96
See Ben Affleck's Dark Knight Style In New "Batman v Superman" Character Designs
See Ben Affleck's Dark Knight Style In New "Batman v Superman" Character Designs - Conceptual artist Jerad S. Marantz shares a look at how Zack Snyder took the Hollywood star from Batfleck to Batman.
9 years agoComment Camx96
I think the fact that they even tried this is a small success in itself. Who ever would have thought of the NFL doing this just 5 years ago. Impossible.
9 years agoComment Camx96
Posted in: Back To The Future In ACTUAL 2015
9 years agoComment Camx96
Technically he was based on a old studio exec who had always given the producers a hard time. His mannerisms and even name came from this guy supposedly.
9 years agoComment Camx96
This actually looks better than I thought it would be. And I don't even play Warcraft. Well...Hearthstone of course....
Posted in: WarCraft - Official Movie Trailer
9 years agoLevel Up Camx96
Level 2
Camx96 is now level 2 with 1,115 XP.
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- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
9 years agoComment Camx96
Can't wait for this movie. Big western fan here.
9 years agoReview Camx96
Ten Scariest Horror Movies Of All Time - The Film Box
The ten scariest horror movies of all time. Pure nightmare fuel.