Calcipher's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Calcipher

    Have you not listened to Radiolab? Given your other NPR picks, it would seem to be right your your alley. Also, may I suggest one of my favorites, "How To Do Everything"?

  • 9 years ago
    Image Calcipher

    [Bug] Some CSS Issues With Firefox (At Least On Linux)

    I'd like to report some Firefox CSS issues. . I am running FireFox 38.0.1 on Debian Stretch. The first image shows how 'charm' bar elements are randomly placed on a horizontal plane and the Notification History charm clips outside the viewing window. The text in the Submit button is not vertically centered. The second image, shows the odd way tribes show when you scroll up in Snapzu; there is a partial second row as well.

  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Calcipher

    [Feature Request] Provide a way to see a trible's sidebar when it is hidden

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  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Calcipher

    [Feature Request] Please add a way to make my subscribed tribes private

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  • 9 years ago
    Related Link Calcipher

    Queer Ladies (and allies): Come visit /t/queerladies !

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Calcipher

    My understanding is you only need to rise in hot (read: boiling) water if the tea has inclusions that are not tea such as fruit or is a fermented tea such as Pu'erh. This is not the case for sun tea which encourages bacteria growth.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Calcipher

    If you want to be amazed by things again, you need to surround yourself with interesting things. One thing I've found that helps me find amazement and awe at the world around me is the podcast Radiolab. They can take any topic, even mundane ones, and make realize you've never really noticed those things before. Amazing!

  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Calcipher

    What are strategies to interview people?

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  • 9 years ago
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    Rock Star

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    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Calcipher

    I agree with that. We desperately need public spaces for ideas on the internet and the censorship was profoundly sad even if I didn't like the speech. I know the anger is justified, but perhaps the ugliness was not.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Calcipher

    Level 2

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Calcipher

    look at Reddit right now vs Digg

    I think one big difference is the size and reach of the two communities. Digg was huge for its time, but I'm guessing Reddit is far larger than Digg ever was. Further Reddit has a larger presence in the mainstream media. Both of these differences are mostly due to Digg's and Reddit's respective places in time. Since Reddit is larger than Digg was, the angry percentage of users seems so much louder.

    I also think the structure of Reddit, its greater reliance on the users to craft the experience of Reddit, lends to well-meaning, passionate people who just want to feel like the business side of Reddit values and respects them. Unfortunately, passion is easy to twist into anger.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Calcipher

    It's hard to recommend stuff without knowing your tastes, but let me give you five from my huge podcast collection to get you started:

    1. A Way With Words: Do you like language, the history it carries with it, and its place in culture? This is the podcast for you!

    2. Cox & Crendor In The Morning: A somewhat risky suggestion; this is a fake morning show run by two fantastic idiots. Often hilarious, I suggest listening through the archives. I imagine this will be the most polarizing of my suggestions.

    3. Hello Internet: A masterpiece of the 'two guys talking' genre. The cool thing is that both of these guys are super smart and in the same business (educational YouTube videos), but both are so diametrically different in their approaches to their work and the world around them.

    4. How To Do Everything: NPR's comedy take on an advice show. Mike and Ian (of the amazing Wait Wait Don't Tell Me) investigate questions ranging from what to do if you are faced with a bear (advice that actually saved a listener) to finding the best public toilet in the world.

    5. Radiolab: My favorite podcast of all time. The topic for a given episode could sound like the least interesting thing imaginable, yet, by the end of the episode, I'll find that topic amazing. This show is really about finding the wonder of our world, something we all need a reminder of from time to time.

    I've got many more good suggestions on many topics, just let us know your interests!

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    Posted in: Recommend a Podcast