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  • Image
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    [Bug] Some CSS Issues With Firefox (At Least On Linux)

    I'd like to report some Firefox CSS issues. . I am running FireFox 38.0.1 on Debian Stretch. The first image shows how 'charm' bar elements are randomly placed on a horizontal plane and the Notification History charm clips outside th ...

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    [Feature Request] Provide a way to see a trible's sidebar when it is hidden

    I've noticed that when the browser's window is too small, Snapzu hides the sidebar. It would be nice to have a button to pop this in. It would be especially useful on mobile.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +16 16 0

    [Feature Request] Please add a way to make my subscribed tribes private

    It would be nice to be able to make my subscribed tribes private to other users. On Reddit, I tended to follow controversial subs on both sides of issues (e.g. /r/feminism and /r/mensrights) just to get a better understanding of the discourse around specific topics (I'm an anthropologist - this is what I do). I'd rather people not be able to look at my list of tribes and draw snap conclusions about who I am.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +6 6 0

    What are strategies to interview people?

    I am amazed at how good some people are at interviewing others. Journalists, police, even politicians are able to ask the right questions to get people to open up to them. I'm not terrible at this myself, but I have always wondered what materials and resources these professions use to learn and get better at interviewing.