• spaceghoti

    That might’ve been because Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was fully on board with implying that they were queer.

    Hmm...I know Roddenberry acknowledged it but I don't know that he wanted to encourage it. I remember reading the novelization of the original motion picture with an in-character footnote from Kirk acknowledging the rumors and putting them to rest. "Why in the world would I take a lover who only comes into heat once every seven years?"

    • Wexler

      Roddenberry was probably just acknowledging with a wink and a nudge what Golden Era, female-Trekkies, already fantasized about. They were the original "fangirl" fiction demographic, pioneering that oh-so-over-the-top genre: "slash-fiction." In fact, if one may be so bold, they serve as the pioneers to that horrific monstrosity known as "50 Shades of Grey" who's author cut her teeth on Twilight fanfiction.

      • Gozzin

        I agree..It was those two, as far as I can tell,who gave slash it's big push.