Sorry for the repost. Usually if something's been posted before I get a prompt about it, but that didn't happen with this for some reason. I also looked at the related articles and did a search and it didn't come up. I know it's from a while ago, but it's a very good article. I did not notice a paywall, so maybe there is a monthly limit. I know the New York Times has that as well.
Yeah, I alway check the "you may also like" after I post. I searched by the title, so I guess the title change messed me up there. I was surprised that it didn't come up because it's quite a good article, but I'm not surprised that you're the one who posted it before because you post so much awesome content. ;)
Sorry for the repost. Usually if something's been posted before I get a prompt about it, but that didn't happen with this for some reason. I also looked at the related articles and did a search and it didn't come up. I know it's from a while ago, but it's a very good article. I did not notice a paywall, so maybe there is a monthly limit. I know the New York Times has that as well.
No harm done :) Like /u/gladsdotter suggested I will wait until tomorrow in the hopes that my article count has reset.
Heads up, don't wait: if you open it in incognito window (private browsing) you can by-pass the article limits.
Holy shit it worked! Have an upvote :)
OMG, thank you! :D
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