9 years ago
Sushi Lovers: Be Wary of 'White Tuna'
Customers are typically unaware that some restaurants serve escolar or walu but are disguised as white tuna in the menu. A study by Oceana in 2013 revealed that 84% of white tuna that's being sold in the United States is escolar. Honolulu Fishing Agency manager Brook Takenaka says that he would personally never order white tuna due to the fact that "there is no such thing as a white tuna species."
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I'm not sold on the downsides of escolar. I think it's pretty delicious, actually. There's not a consensus from my research (of about 5 minutes).
It's probably fine for most people when eaten in reasonable quantities, but it's good to know that it can cause problems for some. Then there's the whole issue of the rebranding to "white tuna" from "escolar" or "oil fish", and further confusion when it's not even escolar that you're getting, but some other oily fish. My favorite fish rebranding is still "Chilean sea bass" instead of "Patagonian tooth-fish".