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Published 9 years ago by BlueOracle with 18 Comments

Sushi Chef Reviews Cheap Sushi


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Conversation 13 comments by 5 users
  • caelreth

    I think I'm equally surprised that one of them got 3 stars and that you can get sushi from Walgreen's.

    • BlueOracle

      Hahaha! I had no clue that Walgreen's sold sushi. That is very bizarre. You can buy cough syrup, diapers, and sushi all in one place? What a world! I was also surprised by the 3 star rating. Some of the sushi looked really horrible, so maybe that one wasn't so bad in comparison.

      • caelreth

        I wouldn't know good sushi, probably. Most of what I eat comes from a local grocery store. There is an actual sushi chef making it, there - or at least someone acting the part - but I still doubt the sushi rises to the level of 'good.'

        • BlueOracle

          I like to think of different grades of food as just being different and accept them for what they are, within reason. I don't want to get food poisoning or eat only junk food, but I don't expect a newsstand pretzel to knock my socks off, and that's okay. We can't eat fancy gourmet food every day, or at least most of us can't, but that's what makes it a special treat. So, enjoy your grocery store sushi with pride! ;)

          • caelreth

            Oh, I will! It's good enough for me, at least :)

        • Gozzin

          Same here. Smoked eel is my favorite.

          • caelreth

            Never tried smoked eel... Might have to see if I can find that sometime.

            • Kysol

              Unagi is awesome. Weird at first but you get used to it.

            • caelreth
              @Kysol -

              Well, next time I have the chance, I may just have to give it a shot. How weird? :)

            • Kysol
              @caelreth -

              Not super weird. You're expecting a fishy taste, but it's like... hard to explain... fluffy chicken, but gritty, earthy taste... then the accompanying sauce comes in. Sometimes how it's cooked will hit you first, the slightly burnt flavour. It's nothing strange like out of this planet, but you're expecting something totally different when you try it.

            • caelreth
              @Kysol -

              Well, I'm certainly intrigued now. Too bad my wife hates fish, so we don't frequent establishments that serve sushi too often :)

            • Yeti89
              @Kysol -

              My first experience with it was in a "caterpillar roll". Seriously one of the most delicious sushi rolls ever made!

            • caelreth
              @Yeti89 -

              Just the name "caterpillar roll"... doesn't sound so appealing. (I'm glad you enjoyed it, though)

  • pendulus

    Now I want sushi. Kind of surprised Trader Joe's was that bad in his opinion.

  • oystein

    He was pretty friendly and positive about it. I expected more arrogance but this was pretty nice!

  • hitthee (edited 9 years ago)

    I know what I'm having for dinner tomorrow night.

    hah I love this site here I get sushi cravings instead of headaches from childish arguments.

    You guys and gals are the best.

  • indycorps

    In a better experiment he would have tasted the sushi without the packaging.

    • kvn

      It's pretty clear he's not very biased. He rated the shop that he goes to all the time as terrible

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