Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • caelreth

    Kind of makes sense, really. All the press such an attack gets gets the attention of someone who is already prone to doing the same and... Copycat!

    • HeyYourself

      Also the fact that most school shootings are done by students seeking attention. If other students who also seek attention see all that big media coverage, and the face on the shooter in every TV of the country, newspapers and the internet, they'll probably try that too.

      • BurtMacklinFBI

        You hit the nail on the head. But the media won't stop sharing the news with pictures of the shooter with blaring sounds and visuals of sirens. These stories are a gold mine and I think in a way many people actually enjoy seeing these kinds of stories, they're exciting and dangerous, it's a dangerous cycle.

        • leweb

          It's the same kind of psychology that drove the Romans to the circus, but more perverse.

    • BlueOracle

      I'm glad that it's being studied. I had wondered about copycat crimes and the role the media plays in that. It's probably too much to ask for the media to tone the coverage down a bit. "If it bleeds, it leads," as they say.

      • caelreth

        Yep. The blessing and the curse of a free press, I suppose.