• drunkenninja

    Im stating the obvious. Even if global warming is only partially caused by the waste we as humans produce due to our many exploits on this planet, corporations continue to grow fat off the waste they produce to create their arsenal of marketable goods for mass consumption. Its still happening, even if it isn't as quickly as some predicted and its very real (just look at China and their air quality problem). Im happy there are people that worry about this type of negative change instead of living a short sighted life thinking that all the stuff we do as humans has no effect on the outcome.

    Maybe comparing the human species to a virus was a bit much, but we as the human race live on this planet, it is our host, it is our home. We should find ways to live responsibly, and use our superior intelligence and ingenuity to create better solutions that can benefit future generations. Even if some of the steps we take are futile, we are learning, we are trying new things and one day will find a meaningful solution.


      "Even if global warming is only partially caused by the waste......" Ah, the very core of it all, "only partially" is a wide open contention from miniscule to ?. All of man's progress is a trade off. The greater good vs: pure natural environment. Coal was the first easily used material to produce electricity, and manufacturing. Many ignore the comforts and needed technology brought to fore by said fuel. Every facet of one's life has benefited from anything from health facilities to modern manufacture, all dependent on energy. The only "short-sighted life thinking" is that of no progress, living in the dark ages. There are no doubt alternatives to current fuel, just none at this time financially feasible, except for those with big pockets, which would make it impossible for the average or below Joe to afford, thus the ramifications for their well-being prioritized behind a warmers good feeling.


        Let's not make alarmist's claims to warming cause "skyrocketing electric costs", (President Obama), and the least to afford it, the poor, pay with their very well-being.

        • drunkenninja

          None of the energy solutions today are financially feasible for wide spread use, but that is the concept of technological advancement. 25 years ago, owning a cutting edge computer that didn't even match up to today's smart phones was the norm and people happily paid good money for such machines.

          Every advancement made cost money to research and improve, even clean energy solutions. If we don't focus on expanding these technologies because we feel its too expensive we are going to harm this planet. We don't exactly have another wonderful blue ball of life to move to if we fuck this up, this is a one time chance to do it right. This isn't a game, there is no reset button. It's obvious people will take this research seriously, we have everything to loose if we ignore it.

          @drunkenninja -

          "This isn't a game".....warmers have made it a game, with no bounds to their alarmist claims/lies, and pseudo forecasts/science. All your concerns/warnings are the same platitudes spewed by Mann made warmers for the last 40+ years. It ain't "science", it's the very worst form of "alarmism". .........and you folks have the guts to claim we are the "deniers"?..........Keep on believin,....hold onto that "feeling".........

        • drunkenninja
          @MAGISTERLUDI -

          I wouldn't call myself an alarmist and I wouldn't call those who feel the planet isn't warming deniers. The basic premise is that we as humans are intelligent enough to advance technologically if we just spend some time and effort researching new forms of renewable energy. Right now, a lot of the energy we produce is dirty, its hurting our environment and we need to work on cleaning it up, we are certainly capable of doing so.