9 years ago
What The ‘Ideal' Woman's Body Looks Like In 18 Countries
What does a "perfect body" look like? It depends who you ask - and where they are. UK online pharmacy Superdrug Online Doctors recently created a project called "Perceptions
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Oh, jesus. What a train wreck. Let's show a picture of a chubby woman, photoshopped over and over by people who have never touched photoshop before. China's looks like a goddamned alien. This is hilarious. I have zero clue what narrative they're trying to tell other than 'please donate to our photoshop training fund'.
LOL I think in the article they said that they got "designers" to do the photoshopping. These may have been furniture designers, yacht designers, landscape designers, who knows. They certainly weren't graphic designers proficient in using photo editing software.
I sent it to your tribe!
Geez...thanks mate
They need help
I'm laughing hard now
I find it interesting and unfortunate that I find absolutely none of them pretty.
I just knew this was going to be fun!!! I wish The Onion did this.
I'm Dutch and while yes, I like redheads, her original photo looked way hotter (snog/marriage potential) than the one labeled "Netherlands" (AVOID!).
Besides, I prefer my women to be human, not freaky aliens.