8 years ago
This could be the food of the future—if you can handle it
It's an evening of entomology—cooking, eating, and trying to understand an insect diet.
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If they can get them to taste and have the texture of familiar food..Maybe. I hve heard large spiders do have a rather crab/lobster/shrimp flavor and I could go for that...Not so sure about the rest.. However..I did bite an ant once by accident and it did have a wonderfully peppery flavor.
How on earth did you manage to bite an ant 'by accident'? And how big was it?
I think Gozzin is holding back.
I think you're on to something there. We should definitely be told as soon as possible.
Closet bug eating...it's a hard thing to beat.
Well, closet eating with bug garnish strikes me as unbeatable too...
How do you figure that?