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Published 8 years ago by Appaloosa with 8 Comments



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  • RoamingGnome

    It's gonna be a PARTY!!!! I can't wait. I heard Seth Rogan talking about this movie a while back on the Howard Stern show.

    • NomadiChris

      Someone left this positive review on rottentomatoes.com:

      SAUSAGE PARTY is what would happen if everyone at Pixar had syphilis.

  • AdelleChattre

    They say it's the Blazing Saddles of our generation.

  • NomadiChris

    Wow, did not expect what I just saw. Looks hilarious.

  • drunkenninja

    I was wondering abotu where this was headed as the trailer was playing... glad my suspicions were confirmed! Looking forward to this :D

  • Gozzin

    I'm the only one who plans to avoid this like the plague? I thought so.

    • drunkenninja

      I'm generally not that big on animated movies, but this one looks pretty good. Any reason why you will be avoiding this like the plague?

      • Gozzin

        It just does not look interesting is all. I could be wrong,it could be a blast to watch. I just don't go to movies anymore as the plots are all the same and to me,they are quite frankly, boring.

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