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Published 8 years ago by Appaloosa with 4 Comments

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  • NotWearingPants

    Sorry, we answered that question in the first half of the 1860s.

    • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)

      "What's going on in the US politically and culturally is so different from what's happening here," Marinelli told the LA Times in 2015. "I want California to be all it can, and our group feels the political and cultural connection to the US is holding us back from our potential."

      When the mean old racist bigots from Texas want to do this, they are labeled as redneck kooks, but when the little snowflakes from California feel culturally out of place, aww....it's just fine.

  • leweb

    I find it interesting how they expect 2/3 of the House and the Senate to approve of them leaving the Union. And then the legislatures of 38 states. What are they going to do? I understand they're obnoxious, but you have to go to whole new heights of obnoxiousness to make this happen.

  • ttubravesrock

    give the dust a few days to settle. Honestly, I'm not surprised that the straight-ticket Democrats are acting this way.

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