• Maternitus (edited 6 years ago)
    @drunkenninja -

    Despite what everyone else and their neighbour say about the seventies and eighties, that was a great time to grow up and experience the upcoming of technology what is so huge right now. :-) Kind of witnessing a slow but steady revolution. And it has not stopped, either. :-)

    • drunkenninja
      @Maternitus -

      I would have to agree with you!

      It was an amazing time to grow up because we as kids truly had the opportunity to experience both sides of the fence, or in other words analog vs digital! Kids these days are practically born into tablets, smart phones and screens everywhere, there is just so much that pulls for your attention and so little you can do to get away from it. I can't imagine how brutal high school must be now, with all the drama being practically feed right into social media.