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Published 10 years ago by Amabaie with 3 Comments
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  • CoffeeJunky

    She looks healthy. Let her be her. She gained 20 pounds, and IT LOOKS GOOD. Personally, I think she looks better with the 20 pounds; she looks anorexic in the photo where she is wearing the biggest loser shirt.

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      I think she looks great at +20 pounds from her bottom weight also, she was malnourished and unhealthy at the final biggest loser weight.

      • CoffeeJunky

        she was malnourished and unhealthy that the final biggest loser weight

        I believe it. There's almost no way you can lose 155 pounds in the period of time she did without doing some extreme, unhealthy shit.

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