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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 1 Comments

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  • kxh

    This is an interesting article and is better than the somewhat inflammatory headline. It's an interesting idea to charge for special dishes. As someone who is intolerant of and can react badly to certain foods and with a family member who is severely allergic, I have walked out of restaurants when they couldn't accommodate us. I gave up eating out for a while as it was just too hard. It's hard to explain each time to people at a restaurant the difference between intolerance and allergy. Intolerance just doesn't sound serious like allergies but being in discomfort for days after eating something is not much fun.

    The fact is that as people take various food issues like allergies, gluten sensitivity and food intolerance seriously, sure some people will be silly. Doesn't mean those things are going away though.

    Anyway restaurants have to take religious and ethical dieters seriously don't they?

    The worst thing is being on a long haul flight when they tell you: "Jetstar does not accommodate any special diets."

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