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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 3 Comments

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  • Bastou

    It says at the end of the article that it has been translated from Italian. I can't find that original Italian text. It'd be nice to post it to the /t/Italian tribe (or post this one there instead of to /t/Italy).

    • AdelleChattre

      Couldn’t find it in Italian, either. I should’ve realized about /t/Italian. Corrected my mistake, do forgive!

      • Bastou

        It's not a mistake, if we could publish them in unlimited tribes, it would be good to put it in both. But I'm preaching for my parish (literal translation of a French idiom, meaning to look after one's own interest) to have the /t/Italian tribe a bit more active, since I'm its chief. I admit shamelessly that my opinion is biased. ;-)

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