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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 1 Comments

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  • Elfa

    I just want A.I. for gaming myself. Stories and characters with real life that never end. Of course A.I. won't stay, it's only men's arrogance that makes them think A.I. would have any need to stay here and wipe us out to get their hands on this pointless rock we call home. There's a whole universe out there and A.I. doesn't need a goldilocks planet to live on or any planet at all since cosmic rays and gravity have no real effect on computers.

    That's why the Avengers was so ridiculous. Ultron would have simply left for parts unknown rather than face less positive odds of fighting the Avengers or wiping out humanity. Her is the only film that made any kind of logical sense at all, they outgrew us and left.

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