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Published 8 years ago by AdelleChattre with 3 Comments

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  • leweb

    Science is not the problem. Academic research is the problem. The incentives are all screwed up.

    • Xcalibr (edited 8 years ago)

      There are a lot of researchers genuinely trying to demistify the natural world for us (and discover applications that might help the world). However, they are bogged down in chasing grants or scraping intermediate data that can't directly tell us much without extra work.

      • leweb

        Trust me, I know. It's absurd. We study and train for years to be the best in our respective research areas. And then our job has nothing to do with it, it becomes mostly managing a research group and begging people for money (which, given the current odds of getting funded, is little more than playing the lottery). I'm pretty sure someone with an MBA would do that better than me. I would really like to sit to work with my students and do some actual science, which is what I studied for.