• AdelleChattre

    It's not that it's fringe, it's that it's woo.

    • ttubravesrock

      it's not being presented as fact, so there's nothing to debunk. The facts they do present, such as the time frame, location, discovery, etc are generally accurate. The 'what ifs' are just silly nonsense aimed at a niche audience.

      • AdelleChattre

        That's just not so.

        • ttubravesrock

          well I don't have time to watch a 3 hour video right now. Perhaps this weekend. However, as I said in my original comment, I have only watched the first two or three seasons of Ancient Aliens. This was several years ago. If their format changed to saying "XYZ was only possible if aliens helped" I would be quite surprised. I'm guessing it's still presented like "XYZ was a great accomplishment for humans of the time. Is it possible that aliens helped?" Again, If there really are 12 seasons now and I've only seen 1/6 to 1/4, perhaps it has completely changed course.

          Also, I'm a big fan of the term Giorgio's Razor that was described in the article.

        • Appaloosa

          I almost saw a UFO once....that's a fact, but I can't prove it.