• Qukatt

    i'm torn on this cause on one hand i'm a parent. these people i don't understand at all. none of my believes transcend my responsibility to and love for my children especially in life threatening situations. I don't understand the paranoia of "big pharma" or blind faith in "big herba" (lol)

    however. everyone should be allowed to refuse treatments. I don't care what it is or why; you should be able to say no i don't want that. You can't prosecute people for DNR, you can't prosecute for stopping your medication, you can't prosecute JWs for refusing blood treatments even when it's a child.

    it's sad, children should have protections when they can decide for themselves but at the same time what can you do without drawing a line somewhere?

    I do think these parents should be made to answer for their choice to treat their child themselves without knowing what he even had. that's t he main thing that gets me here, they didn't have to get drugs but they do have a duty to make an informed choice; they should have taken him to the doctor at the very least, they totally failed there. They're not evil or anything they're just scared and stupid people