• FivesandSevens

    Thanks for reading and replying. Can you say more about the aspects of the Progressive Era you see reflected in current events? What cycle was broken by collapse, and what system collapsed?

    • Appaloosa

      http://239days.com/2012/11/30/the-collapse-of-the-progressives-1917-1920/ This link is a pretty good one. Basically, it was an era of science and progressive ideas and of the middle class trying to end corruption and make sure everyone was in the game. It also saw the beginning of the Federal Reserve, WW1, Roaring 20's and eventually the Crash of 29. This led to The Great Depression, the New Deal (which Progressives opposed) and eventually WW11.....and the New Era of the 50's 60's ,70's and 80's of American prosperity.(kind of a long Roaring 20's)...repeat cycle and rinse.