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Published 7 years ago by ckshenn with 6 Comments
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  • jedlicka

    Totally embarrassing. Lordy.

    • Maternitus

      Why embarrassing? I think the government is getting the transparancy the people asked for.

      • jedlicka

        Leaks aren't transparancy. Also Trump sounds like a 7 year old child over and over ("I'm the greatest") and begs Mexico to not reveal that he is lying to his supporters about the wall funding. Can you imagine Obama like this?

        • Maternitus

          That's why he sits there, to be a distraction. All the while we are screaming and crying about his "stupidity", the politicians on the background are tearing everything democratic and free totally apart. He says willingly yes, because he is in the spotlights. A showguy. What happened with a few decades worth of presidents is starting to become so obvious and clear with this presidency. Of course nobody in politics likes him, he gets angry about anything status quo, but the man is also impatient and not a good organiser. While the politicians are chasing their dreams or make them come true through dishonesty and manipulation, he doesn't slam his fist on the table and shows them who's boss. He doesn't do that, because of his fame. He thinks they already know that, but on new grounds you've gotta establish yourself again. Not to the world, but to the politicians he's dealing with now. He knows they're corrupt after dealing with them for years, but the situation is different now. Inside it is a whole different ballgame and that's where he is failing. I do not like his ideas, I certainly do not like his crooney capitalism, but I think he made a wrong choice applying for president. Aaah, and why he was chosen? Because it was either he or Sanders. Same counts for Clinton.

          And, as a final thought: what you have been watching the last year was a coup. Not from the outside, but the inside. It was a matter of time and it's not over yet.

    • ttubravesrock

      what specific parts are you referring to?

  • ttubravesrock

    To be honest, other than the wall rant this isn't that bad. It seems like he handled it well enough. Better than I would have expected him to act.

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