• FistfulOfStars (edited 8 years ago)

    It's been a bit hit or miss for me so far, but I think the tops (greens) and stems should look fresh and not wilted, and if the tuber itself looks wrinkled and shriveled, it's probably dry and not very good.

    • b1ackbird

      Awesome. I think you're on to something. Here's the best synopsis I could find for picking a good beet.

      When choosing your beets, you want to opt for the ones that are small (about 1½ to 2 inches in diameter) and firm with deep maroon coloring, unblemished skin, and bright green leaves with no sign of wilting. Smaller beets will be sweeter and tender. Try to also pay attention to see that the taproot is still attached. Larger beets with a hairy taproot usually indicate toughness and aging of the beet, try to avoid those.

      • FistfulOfStars (edited 8 years ago)

        Good info. Especially about the taproot, I was unaware of that.

        I will say though, the best beet I ever had came from a CSA and was absolutely humongous. That might be the exception that proves the rule though.