9 years ago
HPD: Man prostitutes 4-year-old on 'daddy's little girl' Craigslist ad
A west Houston man who is accused of prostituting a 4-year-old girl went before a judge Monday morning. Andrew Turley, 28, was arrested Thursday, and charged with trafficking a child and prostitution of a minor. Disturbing details were read aloud in court as prosecutors laid out what Turley is accused of doing. Undercover officers with the Houston Police Department noticed an ad on Craigslist offering "daddy's little girl" in exchange for money.
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Scum of the earth
He's probably retarded; what kind of moron would advertise child prostitution on a public forum and expect to get away with it.
People that don't understand computers. But yeah he's probably messed in the head.
At least we can be thankful he practically turned himself in instead of possibly getting away with this by being smart. Better an idiot than a genius when it comes to criminals, especially of this kind.
I'm against capital punishment but sometimes it's tempting.
When it comes to crimes against children, I really can't say no to giving them that fate.
These sickos are the lowest forms of humanity.
Someone should tag UberDanger here, I'm pretty sure he'd be interested on that sweet little girl! :^)