8 years ago
UK nuclear fusion lab faces uncertain future
A question mark hangs over a world-leading laboratory that has pioneered research into fusion for nearly 40 years. The Culham Centre for Fusion Energy near Oxford is largely funded by the EU and dozens of its scientists come from outside the UK. Since the vote for Brexit, many at the centre have become "extremely nervous" amid uncertainty about future financing and freedom of movement. Five researchers have already returned to continental Europe with others said to be considering their positions.
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I like it how people research things and try and try and try and try. On one hand it shows the hang to innovation and development, on the other hand it shows a somewhat Sisyphus-like way of working. You see, there is energy in abundance on this planet and we wont even have to dig for it. It's all around us. Mostly outside that is. So, instead of whining about the closure of yet another attempt to overcome the hurdles of humility towards Mother Nature and the universe, you could use the damn stuff that's already there.