• Saffire

    ??? I feel like there's a story here. What happened? I quickly skimmed through his post history but I didn't see anything like you suggested (Possibly deleted?), and I wasn't taking away a racist vibe from him here at all, I just figured he was just arguing that peoples personal rights to work should trump an employers right to hire, and we were debating that.

    • [Deleted Profile]

      [This comment was removed]

    • Saffire
      @ -

      Oh, it sounds like you two have some personal issues. I think I'm just gonna stay out of it then. I'm glad I asked for clarification :)

      For what it's worth, from what I've seen of you, I don't think you're racist or bigoted at all!

    • AdelleChattre (edited 8 years ago)
      @ -

      Adelle has severly misinterpreted things I have said in the past, and even misquotes me

      You’ve made yourself clear enough. Everybody’s racist one day, nobody’s racist another. It may not make sense, but it speaks for itself. As for quotes...

      I never said " Gays are rampant."

      No, what you said was:

      Oh for ducks sake. When is the gay fad going to end? They have marriage and rampant acceptance & are now eqaul in rights to everyone else.

      Which is, unsurprisingly, as willfully ignorant as wrong. I can see why you forgot saying this, it was early this month ago. Maybe you and you-after-your-third-highball ought to compare notes sometime.

      That yes, according to studies I have seen, the black community does have a higher percentage of crime than others.

      Leaving aside whether you ever saw any study, here’s what you said to contrast the black community with whites:

      Because the white community is not largely a self victimizing one that wants any excuse it can to distract people from the fact it is the most represented in the criminal statistics because it commits the most crime and produces the most criminals. If people would stop supporting the victim culture in the black community, they would take responsibility for themselves and then we could all focus on the real issue of police brutality.

      Yes or no, were you wrong here?

      Nowadays, when criticized, you’ve begun to equivocate, as here:

      This can be partially attributed to what horrid things their fathers went through in the 60's as I've heard suggested

      As great as it is that you’ve now heard of Jim Crow, you’ve made a definite point of ruling out any such depth of context before:

      Black people tend to have a higher rate of crime produced from their communities, so they have more arrests. It's not that they are just being discriminated against, it's that they commit more crime. I don't deny racism having some part or that some police go after black people because they are black, but that's a very small percent of why the statistics are the way they are. Know who's responsible for statistics? Those who create them, not the people counting the numbers

      Yes or no, were you wrong there?

      Hint: Jim Crow is not, as you seem to now think, a specific one-time event sometime in the 1960s.

      I do feel you make your own destiny & people should stop playing victim so much.

      Is that why you delete so many of your comments and then complain when people have the poor taste to remember what you’ve said?

      I find it sad that you couldn't be a part of that

      Aren’t I?

      I truly would like to make amends, but when I say these things to you I get no response.

      If you ever wanted, you could’ve sent me a private message. Never have, yet.

      You simply wait until I say something unpopular and controversial to drop by and insult me.

      You mean when you start in again with your trolling, somebody might actually call you on it.