Post Overview
5 years ago+12 12 0A Transparent Look at My Writing Schedule That Produced 30M Views
These are the habits, tools, calendar schedule, writer’s to follow, etc., it took to reach 30M views and earn six-figures as a blogger.
5 years ago+11 11 0Want to Succeed in Online Publishing? Stop Waiting for a Handout.
Forget fairness, succeeding as a writer is a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck.
5 years ago+13 13 0Why I quit my full-time writing job over a viral tweet
I left my job at the New York Post with no backup plan and no real prospects.
5 years ago+11 11 0Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Writer?
It depends. How bad do you want it?
5 years ago+12 12 0Stop Using Grammarly
You’ll fly higher without it.
5 years ago+17 17 0J.K. Rowling’s Advice For Writers With Big Dreams
A simple and highly effective way to up your game
5 years ago+10 10 0What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Writing
Hopefully, you won’t make the same mistakes as me.
5 years ago+15 15 0Three Types of Content That Will Convert Your Customers
Claps and likes don’t pay the bills.
5 years ago+28 28 0 x 1The Secret is, There is No Secret
Just do the work, learn, and put your ideas into action.
5 years ago+17 17 019 Things You Should Know About Making Money as a Writer
I graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in fiction writing. Yeah, that’s a thing. My classes consisted of Intro to Fiction, Journal & Sketchbook, and all sorts of other classes I’m fairly certain my finance-studying peers consider ...
5 years ago+15 15 0How To Write Killer Headlines for Online Articles and Blog Posts
Many people have mentioned to me that they wish they were better at crafting headlines for their stories. I’ve discovered that while I don’t always nail my headline, there are a number of folks who struggle with headlines much more than I do.
5 years ago+27 27 0 x 1Don’t Have Time to Write Every Day? Try This
Write shorter. Much shorter.
5 years ago+17 17 0The Psychology I Used to Publish 2000+ Blog Posts
You can do it too, you just have to put yourself in the right frame of mind
5 years ago+10 10 0If You’re Starting a Side Hustle in 2020, Start Here
If I was starting over, these are the tools I’d turn to.
5 years ago+10 10 0The Last Guide to Social Media You Will Ever Need — in a 3-Minute Read
Follow these brutally honest 22 tips to get followers, money, and fame
5 years ago+8 8 0How a Normal Person (Like You) Can Build a Large Social Media Following
Normal people can do it too—without “selling out” or becoming someone they’re not in the process
5 years ago+11 11 0Forget About Motivation. Here’s What You Need to Succeed
I’m not highly motivated. I don’t have amazing willpower or self-control.
5 years ago+7 7 0You Don’t Have to Go Viral to Be Successful
You can be a rockstar without it.
5 years ago+13 13 0How To Always Find Something to Write About
Start thinking like an artist
5 years ago+19 19 0Success Requires Discomfort (But Don’t Worry, It Won’t Kill You)
Careful is the enemy of extraordinary.