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Published 9 years ago by wondaROY with 4 Comments

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  • Civil

    It doesn't sound like it's mimicking exercise as much as it's boosting the users metabolism. If what the article said is true it could definitely help with weight-loss, but you wouldn't get the other benefits of exercise such as muscle growth.

    Also, if the compound is just increasing the metabolism, users may see that as an excuse to eat even more, leaving them worse off than they were due to things like increased cholesterol and such.

    Interesting for sure, but not a replacement for a good diet/exercise.

  • staxofmax

    Dubbed "compound 14," the new molecule does this by triggering a chain reaction of events in the cell.

    I'll be damned if this doesn't sound like the start of a horror movie.

    • Civil

      Pretty sure this is what causes Zombies. How do I fund this stuff again?

  • mathematical

    I feel the author's wording, stating "high-fat" diet increased weight and caused blood glucose issues, is dangerous to healthy eating, which is often high in fats. I can see armchair nutritionists citing this type of article for why keto/low-carb diets are bad for you.

    Essentially though, this just feels like a newer-gen metabolism booster. Is there a big difference between taking this as opposed to old-school metabolism boosters like concentrated Green Tea, Caffeine, and Yohimbe?

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