4 years ago
‘I Feel Like I Have Dementia’: Brain Fog Plagues Covid Survivors
After contracting the coronavirus in March, Michael Reagan lost all memory of his 12-day vacation in Paris, even though the trip was just a few weeks earlier. Several weeks after Erica Taylor recovered from her Covid-19 symptoms of nausea and cough, she became confused and forgetful, failing to even recognize her own car, the only Toyota Prius in her apartment complex’s parking lot.
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i feel like i have schizophrenia
am i in an inverse truman show?
every time i read 'brain cloud' i remember it is verbatim a line from the movie "Joe v Volcano" used by the doctor as plot device whereby the doctor falsifies the protagonist's (a hypochondriac) diagnosis, giving him a few weeks to live as a ruse by a billionaire, laying the groundwork to find a person to pay to throw themselves into a volcano on a remote island in the pacific so local tribesmen would surrender mining rights for a mineral essential for manufacturing of superconductors
am i going nuts or is the audience trolling me via credible news organizations?
recently, there was a story about a herd immunity declaration by signed by more than 15,000 scientists and medical practitioners around the world, including “Dr Johnny Bananas” and “Professor Cominic Dummings” including a resident at the “university of your mum” - according to the followup
the cherry on the cake is that this came to light after Sky News (?!) did the fact-checking. i mean... Sky News verifying data to expose an obvious troll in mainstream media... that's gotta be peak meta meme trollolololulz or something