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  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +3 3 0

    How To Successfully Crash Land A B-1 Bomber

    The Aviationist has pulled a great story out of the archives about a B-1B that had to land without using the front landing gear. During a normal training mission, the pilots discovered that the front landing gear would not extend. To minimize the dam ...

  • Expression
    11 years ago
    +16 16 0

    Snow Swimming Is Not a Good Idea

    So two guys from Duluth, Minnesota decide to go swimming in the snow. Do they regret that decision? You probably already know the answer.

  • Expression
    11 years ago
    +12 12 0

    9 Traumatizing Scenes From Childhood Movies

    Movies from your childhood are often full of warm and fuzzy feelings. The stories are usually predictable and easy to follow. Maybe you sing along to a few songs. The hero is progressing nicely to the sugar sweet ending. And then the director decides ...

  • Current Event
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Flappy Bird Beating Robot

    Just when you thought that Flappy Bird had gone the way of the dodo, a Chinese duo brings it back. Liu Yang and Shi Xuekun are working on a Flappy Bird beating robot and posting their progress on their blog.

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Netflix Slams Amazon With Fake Drone Commercial

    The online video market must be heating up, because Netflix took it upon themselves to create a video that pokes fun of Amazon's drone delivery announcement. Is parody the sincerest form of flattery?

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Atlanta Hawks Cover Wrecking Ball

    What? Why? Who is the ad wizard that came up with this idea? Someone in Atlanta thought that covering Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball for use in a code of conduct video was a good idea.

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Can a Human Run a Loop-De-Loop?

    Cars, skaters and bikers can all successfully complete a loop-de-loop, so why not a human? That's what stuntman Damien Walters wanted to prove.

  • Current Event
    11 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Jimmy Kimmel Is The Mastermind Behind the Sochi Wolf Hoax

    OK Jimmy, you got us. Even Guyedwire fell for your wolf hoax. Jimmy Kimmel reveals how he, with the help of Olympic luger Kate Hansen, pulled off the Sochi Wolf hoax. As even more proof, Jimmy posted the full, unedited version of the wolf video.

  • Expression
    11 years ago
    +12 12 0

    Top 5 Rock Soundtracks of the 90s

    Rock music in the 90s exploded with a generation of bands that didn’t conform to mainstream music sounds. And we thank them for that. But their music did eventually become the mainstream and Hollywood took notice. This is our list of the top 5 soundt ...

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Guidelines For Passing Gas (And More) At Work

    Sometimes at work you feel a little rumble down below. Maybe you ate some bad Chinese for lunch. Or that sandwich you stole from the frig had been sitting there for weeks. It happens to everyone. Use these simple guidelines to ensure your work enviro ...

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +3 3 0

    12 Awful Commercials From Athletes

    Athletes love to cash in on their earning potential with endorsements. Unfortunately, many of them don’t properly prepare for the job of being a spokesperson. Here are a just few examples of athletes who’s sports skills didn’t translate into acting s ...

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Mr. Wizard World’s Everyday Magic Greatest Hits

    If you grew up as a Nickelodeon watching child of the 80s, you probably remember Mr. Wizards World. In each episode Mr. Wizard would explain some science concept in really simple terms and with items that you could find around the house. Think of it ...

  • Expression
    11 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Terrible Fake Accents From A-List Actors

    Sometimes good actors make bad choices. Especially when it comes to accents. Growing up I always wondered why lots of movies about the Romans or Egyptians had the actors speaking in British accents. Maybe it gave a sense of culture, or maybe the acto ...

  • Analysis
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Negative Ghostrider, The Pattern Is Full – Or Maybe Not

    Who needs Tom Cruise when you have Dale "Snort" Snodgrass. No, really, who needs Tom Cruise? The Aviationist has a great write up about Dale and how he was one of the top F-14 Tomcat pilots in the Navy. It also talks about his flyby of the ...

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Mogul Skiing on Hoth

    Mogul skiing is hard enough on the knees, but when you have Imperial At-At's firing at you, the degree of difficulty gets a lot higher. Also, I wonder who from the Republic decided to submit Hoth as a host city to the IOC? That's not a good ...

  • Current Event
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Curling Georgia Bulldawg Style

    Looks like Mark Richt, head football coach for the University of Georgia Bulldogs, is enjoying the winter weather sweeping (yeah, nice pun) the south. And since he didn't have a full compliment of curling gear, he made up his own like any good s ...

  • Current Event
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Sink Hole Swallows Corvette – Security Camera Video

    It's never a nice morning to wake up and find out that four classic Corvette's have been swallowed up by a sink hole. But that's just what happened to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  

  • Video/Audio
    11 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Couple Breaks Up Using Only Movie Titles

    Breakups are hard. If you are at a loss for words, try using movie titles. This short shows that it's possible. Here is the full list of 154 movies (in order): Traffic Waiting for Forever Just My Luck Seven Like Crazy Accidents Happen Just Your ...

  • Expression
    11 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Samuel L Jackson shreds reporter after confusing him with Laurence Fishburne

    After KTLA reporter Sam Rubin mistakenly thought he was interviewing Laurence Fishburne, Samuel L. Jackson began shredding him with quotes like "we may all be black and famous, but we all don't look alike" and "there must be a ver ...