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Published 8 years ago by weekendhobo with 6 Comments

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  • leweb

    Ok, let's wrap up the whole discussion in a single sentence: fast-food, especially fast-food chains, are extremely evil. There nothing they do that qualifies as good, or even neutral. Ok, that was two sentences.

    • Appaloosa

      You used three sentences.

      • leweb (edited 8 years ago)

        Are you counting the "let's wrap up..."? Otherwise I see two (with a typo)

        Edit: I'm silly. Shouldn't comment before I have my coffee :p

        • Appaloosa

          Nope...the last sentence..."Ok, that was two sentences." that is the 3rd.

          • leweb

            Yeah I realized that, it's why I wrote I'm silly :)

    • AdelleChattre

      "Quality, speed, price: pick any two."

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