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  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Monks in 2.3

    I've got to admit, despite the big changes (good and bad) being pushed on PTR 2.3 for monks, I'm still very much looking forward to live 2.3.

    Seven-Sided Strike is, in my opinion, is the one skill that really makes the Monk stand apart from the other classes. It's visually impressive, relatively powerful, and fits the theme of the Monk. Unfortunately it just never really fit into any serious endgame builds before. It was a neat skill, but was vastly overpowered by just about any other choice.

    In 2.3, we'll get the new Lion's Claw weapon ("Seven-Sided Strike performs an additional 7 strikes"), and Uliana's Strategem ("(2) Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm; (4) Your Seven-Sided Strike deals its total damage with each hit; (6) Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm").

    It's a good time to play a Monk! :)

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  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    Current Event
    +1 1 0

    Laracon 2015 Day 1

    Welcome to the live blog for Laracon. The event is scheduled to start at 9:30am EST and this page will auto refresh as new posts are made. No need to refresh. If you are at the event be sure and use the #laracon hashtag!

  • How-to
    8 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Laracasts - Git Me Some Version Control

    Version Control can be a mysterious thing at first. Why exactly do I need this?? Before long, though, you depend on it with your life. If you're new to this world, let me help!

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Diablo 3 Monks Tribe

    I'm a longtime Diablo 3 monk player (had four non-season monks at one point, trimmed down to two now), and two monks during Season 3. I've tried every other class, but their playstyles just never held my interest the way the monk has.

    The changes coming with the 2.3 patch are looking quite good for monks, so I figured I'd get this tribe started!

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Con Man trailer

    Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk) was a co-star on Spectrum, a sci-fi series which was canceled -Too Soon- yet became a cult classic. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) starred in the series and has gone on to become a major movie star. While Jac ...