Post Overview
9 years ago+13 13 0Rebutting Accusations of Free Speech Absolutism | Atheist Revolution
Accusations of free speech absolutism are often used to derail conversation. Fortunately, they are easy to rebut.
9 years ago+1 2 15 Difficult Situations For Atheist Parents and How To Deal With Them - Godless Mom
I get asked a lot of questions about how I raise my son, as though I am some sort of authority on the topic. I am not. In fact, I’m kind of a goof. However, I have strong opinions on certain aspects of parenting and don’t mind answering your question ...
10 years ago+3 3 0Hilarious Apocalypse Predictions Part 1
Apocalypse predictions can be a source of comedy. Here are some apocalypse predictions to chuckle about.
Current Event
10 years ago+16 16 0Texas Man Accused of Trying to 'Destroy' Christian Beliefs for Objecting to Courthouse Nativity Scene
Plastic Jesus is the reason for the season. Well, it's the reason for the season at one East Texas courthouse,...
10 years ago+13 13 0Religious Accommodation -- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Anyone who has ever watched a Congressional hearing knows it is a set up. The majority runs the show. They select the majority of witnesses for any given panel. The outcome is preordained....
Current Event
10 years ago+6 6 0Bollywood star Veena Malik handed 26 year sentence for 'blasphemous' wedding scene
TV and film actor issued the jail term in Pakistan, alongside husband and owner of a media conglomerate for ‘malicious acts’ of blasphemy against Islam
Current Event
10 years ago+5 5 0Holiday bus signs target Missoulians who don't believe in God
A Missoula nonprofit is running a holiday ad campaign to reach out to people who don’t believe in God.
10 years ago+6 6 0Atheist Life Hacks: How To Find Nirvana - Godless Mom
How to Find Nirvana: How learning to surf in Perth, Australia led me to find Nirvana.
10 years ago+16 17 1VIDEO: Sun TV smears Preston Manning for speaking out on climate change | Press Progress
This won't end well. Sun TV fired first in what could be the beginning of a nasty civil war within Canada's conservative movement.
10 years ago+23 23 0Let’s Stop Calling New Atheism, “Atheism,” and Start Calling it What it is: Anti-Theism
Why I Still Talk to Jesus -- In Spite of Everything
Current Event
10 years ago+13 13 0Woman Accused Of Witchcraft Burned Alive In Paraguay
ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) — An indigenous woman was burned alive in Paraguay after being accused of witchcraft, a local prosecutor confirmed Wednesday. Prosecutor Fany Aguilera said that members of the Mbya Guarani ethnic group tied 45-year-old ...
10 years ago+1 2 1Why Criticizing The Amish Way Of Life Is Necessary - Godless Mom
I saw this meme on Imgur last night: and I had to respond: What do you think of the Amish way of life? Let me know in the comments!
Current Event
10 years ago+13 13 0Drone Captures Aerial Footage Of Whale Shark And Manta Ray Feeding Frenzy | IFLScience
Swimming with whale sharks and manta rays is surely a mind-blowing experience. But seeing them from a drone’s-eye-view may be just as incredible. These stunning images, captured off the coast of Isla Mujeres, Mexico, show snorkelers weaving among the ...
Current Event
10 years ago+3 4 1Casting Out Demons: Pope Francis Declares Support for Exorcisms
Pope Francis recently expressed his approval of a group of exorcists meeting at the Vatican this week. While exorcisms, in which demonic spirits are driven out of a supposedly possessed person, may seem a dark practice relevant only on TV screens, th ...
Current Event
10 years ago+18 18 0Rosetta Probe Landing: Live Stream & Breakfast Event
On November 12, 02014 from 6:00am to 9:00am PT, you can watch the live stream of the Rosetta Space Probe (which carries our Rosetta Disk)...
Current Event
10 years ago+17 17 0Google’s DeepMind creates a computer that mimics human short term memory | Science! |
Replicating the capabilities of the human brain in a computer is not easy, and it goes beyond simply wiring a lot of CPUs together. There are many processes that need to be better [...]
Current Event
10 years ago+13 13 0Which New Technology Will Win the Race to Repair and Replace Our Organs?
Globally, organ failure is a leading cause of death. But transplantable organs are in far too short of a supply around the world to help many in
10 years ago+8 8 0NYC pastor: Starbucks is flavoured with the semen of sodomites
A New York pastor has warned that Starbucks coffees are flavoured with the "semen of sodomites".
10 years ago+7 7 0This Little Girl Shouting Down a Street Preacher is the Greatest Thing You’ll See All Day
Friendly Atheist
10 years ago+10 11 1Disney's Frozen: Fear The Gay Propaganda #atheist
Atheism mom rebuts Mormon mom who says that Disney's Frozen is a big subliminal message meant to promote the gay agenda.