How to Create a Budget that Works
If you want to manage your money efficiently you'll need to create, and stick to, a budget. This article walks you through the steps of creating a budget, plus you can download a free worksheet.
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If you're looking to get control over your finances, one of the best things you can do is create a budget, and then start tracking your expenses to make sure that you are actually sticking to the budget.
This article shows how to create a budget. You can follow these steps whether you are single and creating a personal budget, or whether you have a family and you're creating a household budget. The budget will help you to get control over your money, save more and waste less.
This article also includes a budget template and printable that you can download. It comes in PDF format for printing, or use the spreadsheet template to easily keep your budget on your computer. With the spreadsheet, you can adjust the budget categories to meet your needs.
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