• Amulet

    All jokes aside, the car industry is definitely ripe for disruption by modern tech companies. It'll probably take a decade or two, but electric cars and true integration with all the other gadgets in your life will make a big difference in the experience of actually using a car.

    I expect many loud negative noises from car enthusiasts and people who actually enjoy manually driving a car, but technology progresses and one day soon there will be a generation that doesn't see the point of driving cars the "old fashioned" way.

    • racerxonclar

      This is the primary reason why I'm a firm believer that the first place electric and/or self-driving cars should show up is in public transportation. It's an application the vehicles are practically tailored for...with lots of budget, environmental, and convenience perks.

      If/When they get used there and make good impressions, the rest of the driving world will be more accepting of the change.