• Qukatt (edited 9 years ago)

    Hell, cops in the UK don't generally go around shooting people (they don't usually carry guns to start with but even tasers lets say) with some obvious exceptions to that like Charles de menzes, and they still have a lukewarm reputation. mostly circling around how friggan slow they are to get anywhere and how reluctant some of them seem to do anything about a situation they can ignore/avoid.

    We have to admit that people who are paid by the government to control and interfere with our everyday business will never have a sparkly reputation in the public (You can see this contrast with the much much better opinion many Americans have about their armed forces, who are paid by the government to control and interfere in OTHER people's business.. so that's ok yeah? but y'all have an amendment to own weapons in case they try to interfere in your business on order of the government so you can fight them off. I think that's the Perfect highlight on this whole thing) or the media. Not until you specifically have been helped or saved by a cop will you actually and truly appreciate them in some way and even then you'll identify it with that one patrol person or that one particular office and not cops as whole.

    I would say I'm pretty police friendly; i call them when it's needed, i trust them on the streets generally but i am still of the opinion that they're pretty darn impotant given how often i have to call them for the exact same issue over and over and they always ALWAYS turn up too late to really do anything.

    Don't get me wrong though - the things you've stated would most certainly help. Especially putting murderous cops out the Unions, that's a fairly decent idea. Just that "the Public" will never really be at ease with the Police Force.

    • TonyDiGerolamo

      In the U.S., the police enjoyed a fairly good reputation for many years unless you lived in a poor area or an urban area. But even in suburban and richer communities, the reputation of the cops in the U.S. has plummeted. Part of it is the amount of power they now wield has corrupted them. The power invites corruption. No one being pulled over by a cop will be happy about, but there's a world a difference between a cop just doing his job and a bored bureaucrat messing with you because he's bored.

      • Qukatt

        Or not investigating a car crash scene for 3 days and both the car's occupants died from being left in a ditch all that time despite people calling the cops on day 1?

        You dont have to be actively aggressive to get a fatal outcome.

    • ernunnos

      Criminals in the UK are far more likely to give up when confronted. Take a look at the list of UK police fatalities. There are entire years without a single death from any cause. (Traffic accidents, heart attacks suffered during foot chases, etc.) If you compare deaths caused by attacks by suspects you have to go back 25 years to get as many deaths as US cops had by in 2014 alone. Granted, the UK is a smaller country, but even going by rate per capita, cops in the US are forced to defend themselves much more often.

      • Qukatt

        Yeah I know, our cops are what you get when they get bogged down in red tape, discharge weapon? Full investigation! Makes them equally useless and hated because they are pretty much useless now.

        I wasn't saying they killed people with brutality I was saying that even though they don't their reputation is still very "meh" and eradicating police brutality in America won't make them suddenly some shining paragon to the public. The public will always be wary of police.