• frohawk

    Who said anything about wrong sort? I'm just tired of the same sort. If the same old people win, then it's not about deserving, it's homogenous culture voting for the same type of stuff.

    • septimine

      It depends, are the same people winning because of collusion or because they turn out good scifi. I think there's a bias in the other argument as well, the bias that assumes that because white males win the awards, that it's collusion.

      It's the target audience for the genre, just like romance is consumed by women or poetry is consumed by hipsters. Hit your target and your one of the top writers for the genre. I don't see it as a problem that a genre loved by white male twenty something's is rewarding the writing that appeals to white male twenty something's.

    • Lcthulou

      But it's not the Same Old People. Ann Leckie won for her debut novel last year, and the Puppies HATE her. "The Wind-up Girl" won in 2009, and "Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell" in 2009. Both Brad and Larry were Campbell Nominees.