11 years ago
Will smart guns transform the gun industry?
One of California's largest firearm stores recently added a peculiar new gun to its shelves. It requires an accessory: a black waterproof watch. The watch's primary purpose is not to provide accurate time, though it does. The watch makes the gun think. Electronic chips inside the gun and watch communicate with each other. If the watch is within close reach of the gun, a light on the grip turns green. Fire away. No watch means no green light. The gun becomes a paperweight.
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I think that only a vast minority of "accidents" happen because someone stole a gun out of the hand of its owner. I don't see it as very useful for the army and thus won't really affect the gun industry that much. The only people for which the watch would be useful would be civil servants like police officers. Interesting invention but " transforming the gun industry" might be a bit of an overstatement.
Especially if the watch came with a government designed backdoor that can disable all watches and thus all guns if and when the are needed. Thanks, but no thanks.
This is a great idea but I think the watch should be a little more discreet, anyone who sees you with this will know you have a gun.