Post Overview
Current Event
9 years ago0 2 2Dragon Ball Unreal - Indie DBZ Game in development
I recently stumbled upon a video of someone testing out the fighting and camera of a game titled "Dragon Ball Unreal." In disbelief and not able to find anyone covering it I set out to verify the authenticity of the video I h...
9 years ago+2 2 0Review of Call of Duty: Black Ops III
What’s up GJ? Dean here and every so often, I’ll be writing blogs/reviews whatever . A little bit about myself first.. I’m 24, a computer professional and I love video games. I play on PlayStation 4, PC and mobile. I can’t sa...
Current Event
9 years ago+1 2 1Silent Hills: Revival of Game Needs to Happen says Norman Reedus | Gaming News
Norman Reedus, recently spoke with IGN in regards to Silent Hills, the game which was supposed to star the actor before meeting an untimely demise in form of a cancellation. Reedus states that he is “super bummed that that ha...
Current Event
9 years ago-1 1 2Hope for a new Legacy of Kain? | Gaming News
As some of you may remember we recently posted "Top 10 Reboots We Need To See". Within that post was a well known series called Legacy of Kain, we may be in luck. Chris Stead of, was recently able to catch up wi...
9 years ago+1 3 2Rant about why NBC's Constantine was not a success | Gaming News
As we all know, NBC's Constantine, the TV adaptation of the DC Universe comic of the same name was canceled earlier this year after only 1 season. After watching tonight's episode of Arrow, we'd like to take the time to voice...
9 years ago+3 5 2First Look at Uncharted 4's Multiplayer mode
For those of you out there who are fans of the Uncharted series, you have one more thing to look forward to as today Naughty Dog officially released a trailer for the games’ latest installment’s multiplayer mode. At Sony’s Pa...
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Current Event
9 years ago-1 1 2Tekken 7: Bandai-Namco Announce Latest Installment in Video Game Series for PlayStation 4
Today at Sony’s Paris Games Week Katsuhiro Harada of Bandai-Namco producer of Tekken announced that they are porting 7th numbered installment of of the series to the Sony owned console, the fighting game was originally relea...
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Current Event
9 years ago+1 2 1Street Fighter V: Capcom Announces Release Date and Additional Characters for Upcoming Video Game | Gaming News
Revealed today during the Sony press conference at Paris Games Week, a host of brand new information for Street Fighter V was shared. Yoshinori Ono took to the stage to confirm that the title will be launching across Europe a...
9 years ago0 1 1Review of Rebel Galaxy
If you are like me, you love and adore open ended sci fi space exploration games. Titles such as freelancer, Eve online and even much more old school titles such as escape velocity. I have put in about 8 hours into this game...
9 years ago0 1 1Injustice: Gods Among Us Mobile Launches New Content Update | Gaming News
Friday night Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released a content update for Injustice: Gods Among Us that you don’t want to miss! This update is the biggest to be released in well over a year; This update not only brin...
9 years ago0 1 1Canceled Darth Maul Video Game Back in Development?
You can say what you want about Star Wars Episode 1, but while introducing…well…Jar Jar Binks, probably the most useless character ever…it also introduced us to a great character, Darth Maul a dual-bladed lightsaber wielding...
9 years ago0 1 1Top 10 Game Reboots We Need To See | Gaming News
Growing up in the golden era of video games, we’ve seen many great titles come and go some great franchises are still around e.g. Mario, while others have fallen to the way-side e.g. Crash Bandicoot We’ve put together our lis...