texas46's feed
11 years agoComment texas46
"It's not a question of IF it was caused by climate change. It's only a question of HOW MUCH it was caused by climate change."
I totally agree with the quote...climate change is real, and it is happening. Perhaps it is not happening as quickly as we were warned it would...but the earth is nevertheless warming. -
11 years agoComment texas46
This looks amazing. :)
Posted in: 20-Minute Fall Dinners
11 years agoAchievement texas46
Eagle Eye
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11 years agoComment texas46
Well I guess it is the perfect anaerobic environment for fermentation, after all. How very creepy...
Posted in: Beer Gut: Man’s Belly Brews Own Beer
11 years ago
And people follow you no matter how much you discourage that. LOL
Posted in: What happened to you, Google?
11 years agoComment texas46
"Finally, we’ll leave you with one reassuring piece of advice from novelist Florence King that contradicts any assortative matching theories you may harbor: “Keep dating and you will become so sick, so badly crippled, so deformed, so emotionally warped and mentally defective that you will marry anybody.”
LOL! And I have always wondered what an "activity partner" is as well. Hmmm.Posted in: The Market Failure of First Dates
11 years agoComment texas46
I think you are almost forced into Google + if you have a gmail address. I tried to cancel google +, but it seems to be mandatory if you wish to use gmail.
Posted in: What happened to you, Google?
11 years agoComment texas46
I guess you wouldn't want to get black diamonds...
11 years agoComment texas46
Probably the preservatives are just preserving him.
Posted in: Man eats 12,000 Big Macs, is still alive
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11 years agoAchievement texas46
Rock Star
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