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  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Singapore jails Filipino nurse for 'seditious' posts

    Singapore's racism: what is it fuelled by? A Singapore court on Monday sentenced a Filipino nurse to four months in prison for posting inflammatory comments on Facebook against Singaporeans and lying to police investigators.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +13 13 0


    Hi, my name's Yong Kien (i'm from Singapore) but you can call me Seth. I'm new to this, but am really interested in great article sharing sites. Snapzu's interface is really sleek and clean and I enjoy surfing this site within the first few minutes of being here.

    I'm currently studying, but also a freelance professional photographer. Visit my portfolio here!

    I guess there's nothing much to talk about, just a short introduction about myself!